Nothing. (it's everything).
Need to reach “net zero” emissions targets? As always, CMC is here to help. Using innovative electric arc furnace (EAF) technology, all CMC steel is produced with 63% less greenhouse gas emissions intensity than the industry average. In order to reach net zero, we factor in Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and carbon offset credits based on a few key metrics such as location, fabrication requirements and method of transportation. The result? Steel so advanced, there’s nothing like it.
Clean. Carbon neutral. Climate friendly.

Interested in placing an order or finding out more about RebarZero? Send us a message through the contact form below, review our FAQs, or reach out to your CMC sales representative.
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Learn more about our net zero steel:
What is CMC's Zero Product Line?
CMC’s Zero product line (including RebarZero™ and others) is our solution when projects require “net-zero” or “carbon free” steel. Through the use of Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and carbon offset credits, we are able to balance out carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions created during production, fabrication and delivery of the product.
How are the "Zero" products different from our other products?
All rebar and other long steel products produced by CMC use Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) technology that significantly lowers GHG emissions compared to Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) technology. We also use a portion of renewable energy to directly power our mills, with the goal of increasing the total percentage used by 2030. Our “Zero” products go beyond these emission-saving strategies to directly address the remaining Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions generated during the manufacturing, fabrication and delivery of the rebar so that customers are left with a net-zero carbon solution.
What is a Renewable Energy Credit (REC)?
RECs are tradable, non-tangible energy commodities that represent proof that one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity (or thermal equivalent) was generated from an eligible renewable energy resource.
What is a carbon offset credit?
A carbon offset credit is issued for verified emissions reductions from a project that is specifically intended to reduce GHG emissions, increase the storage of carbon or enhance GHG removals from the atmosphere.
How is “net zero” achieved?
Through a combination of purchasing both RECs and carbon offset credits on your behalf and retiring them in the quantity needed for your project, CMC will balance out the GHG emissions from production, fabrication and delivery of the rebar for your project.
Scope 1 and 3 emissions are addressed by using carbon offset credits. Our electric arc furnace (EAF) technology already lowers our carbon footprint significantly compared to the industry average, and addressing the remaining scope 1 and 3 emissions with offset credits allows us to reach net-zero.
Scope 2 emissions are addressed by using Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), which ensures that RebarZero™ and our other Zero products are produced with 100% net-zero carbon electricity.
How can I purchase RebarZero™ or other Zero Products??
Your CMC sales representative can assist you with purchasing any of our net-zero steel products and will coordinate with our energy team on the appropriate number of RECs and carbon offsets needed for your project. All purchasing and retiring of RECs and offset credits will be handled on your behalf by the CMC team and a certificate will be provided to you confirming the net-zero emissions result.